Appreciate and articulate color psychology in relation to lifestyle products and purchase decisions, Decide on the use of trims in various segments like fashion, industrial design, automobile, interior design etc., Perform color matching/ quality testing experiments and extract the results as per the client requirement and for mass production for various industries., Undertake a small design project based upon this Developing.
Catalogue Code: T8373
Course Type: Generic Elective Course
Total Credit: 3
Credits (Theory): 2
No. of Hours: 75
Internal Marks: 75
External Marks : 40
Total Marks: 75
Experiential Learning: Yes
Primary Purpose of Course: Skill Development
Primary Orientation of the Course: Professional Ethics
Course Code: 801210622
Floating Credit: No
Audit Course: No
Course Skill Type: Transferable /Life Skills
Course Needs: Global